The Putnam Valley Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched last Monday, Feb 10, to a devastating house fire in their district. The house belonged to one of its members, Fire Police Officer JUAN GARCIA. FP Officer Garcia and his family tragically lost their home, their possessions and, sadly, their dog, too. A grateful outpouring of community support has been shown but the family needs help, as noted in the letter from PVVFD Pres. James Apostolico in the link below.
In addition, two of its Firefighters - BRUCE JOHNSON (also a member of the PCVFA) and MICHAEL KOENIG - were injured and taken to the area hospital and were reported to be in stable condition.
Please not only keep the Garcia family in your prayers but if you can help the family in any way, kindly read the request from Pres. Apostolico who suggests how you can help. Thank you.